I would like to welcome you to “Tha Portal” - my work in progress; this just a blog to ease and familiarize with the navigation of my site.
I would like to welcome you to my homepage; this blog will inform and explain features of the website, which I hope will make your visit invested in engaging, and exploring, instead getting trapped and can’t navigate.
The header section contains a top bar menu which links you to the features on the home page only. All the pages have page title headers, but no section title headers for the sections on the page.
Underneath the header, to the left; is the site nav menu; each page that has a menu , this is where you will find it, except the newsletter page. The newsletter page contains a nav menu in the sidebar.
At the lower center section of the header, are my social media links, and below the site nav menu is the shop page sections, followed
by the contact us, and website subscription form right above the footer.
The footer is the same on each page and contains navigation menus and social media inks.
Use the menu underneath the header section, or the menu in the footer, to navigate other pages of the site.
I created this page to shorten the homepage. This page contains myblog posting, a products display, and a youtube channel embed. I’m still building this page, so it will change.
This is my page that dedicated to all of my social media feeds and postings. Every post including this one will post to my social media accounts from this website. This page will grow as my social media engagements build.
These two pages are the same as any other website with these pages.
“The show must go on!”, as I continue to build, I will continue to upgrade and enhance the website.
Visit the website, and explore my work in progress.